Written on 12/26/14 at 5:55 PM
My last week at site was kind of nuts. We finished practice
teaching, said our goodbyes to our host families and swore in as official
volunteers at a ceremony that was filmed for TV. I actually just met a man who
said “I saw you guys on TV, but I never thought I’d actually meet one of you.”
One of the many times that being a Peace Corps volunteer in a country as small
and well-connected as Lesotho has made me feel like a celebrity.
So yeah. I miss my host family in Ha Ramonyaloe a lot, but
I’ll see them again in March when we all reconvene for a week to check in. Here’s
some photos from the going away braii (barbeque) that my fam had for me:
Once I put the seshoeshoe on, everyone wanted a picture. Here I am with my 'M'e, some host sibs (Mantsale wth the locks, Mphonyane on the far right and Litakom on my other side) and some neighbors. |
Ausi Suzan and Kabello join the fun |
Tlu tle san and Monyane chillin' in the back of the truck. As we do. |
Kb and Kabello. There was famu (the traditional music here) blasting out of the truck all afternoon and night. |
And here's some photos from swearing in, which proved to be a more emotional ceremony than I expected, but just as beautiful.
Neel, our resident American Masotho, and Brittany, whose Seshoeshoe came with a cape. |
Our beautiful LCF's (Language and Cultural facilitators) and teaching observers. |
Hillary and I and our wonderful observers! |
'M'e Malineo, the Peace Corps OG. |
I'm getting this one printed and framed stat. Brittany, me and Thabo. |
The fam.
Khotso, ya'll. |
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