
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

This is Tau Liarora (St. Dennis). This is where I live.

So there isn't much new to report, since I'm not doing much of anything yet. So here are some photos from recent explorations.

I took an evening walk my second week at site, sat on a rock and journaled. Then this happened:

And last week, I woke up at five and took at two hour hike up a mountain. I had been planning to run, but didn't feel like it. So I chose a direction and a mountain and just started walking, still in dreamland for the first half hour or so. It was glorious. 

playing peek-a-boo with the sun. 

View from the top. This is one side of my village. 

There are cacti a plenty here. 

These clouds do amazing things on a regular basis. 

And these don't even begin to capture the beauty that is this country. For those thinking of or planning on visiting me, this time of year is in the best and the most beautiful. It's the prime of planting season, the rains are here at night and it's sunny and beautiful during the day. 

I'll post again when I'm doing something productive (teaching). 

Much love and Khotso (peace). 


  1. OMG Gracie....these are gorgeous! I can't imagine being surrounded by such beauty every day. Some of the pics don't even look real. I can't wait to see for myself....only 11 more months.
    Big Hugs to you, my dear. Mama

  2. These pictures are beautiful! I love them. J
